Monday, January 19, 2009

the stupidest thing ever....

...well, not ever, but...
The Swindon Council in the UK is trying to evict a donut seller from the roost where he has done business for a dozen years because, as a police official put it, street traders bring with them "very low level antisocial behaviour." This Is Wiltshire has details. The local Labour Council Member, who is supporting the donut man, offered this revealing comment: "The real hypocrisy is that when they bring in a French market or a farmers’ market all the complaints they seem to have ... go out of the window."


andykisaragi said...

oh my good lord. maybe not *ever* but it's up there. what the hell is "very low level antisocial behaviour"? people hanging around on the street (buying donuts)? have we still not learned that having people around is actually quite a good thing for our cities ?!?

ah well, swindon is a horrible place anyway, leave em to it i say...

can't wait for your new book mr neuwirth, ithink the world is going to get a lot more informal in years to come & judging from shadow cities you're a guy who will see the positives as well as the negatives.


rn said...

Thanks, A, for a blast of common sense. I appreciate your encouragement, too.